"Not too serious
K7 démo (Autoproduit)
? - Fame / Garage song
/ Disinformation / Youth is on ze looze / Silly / No more leaderz / Stop arsin'us
/ Dance / Equal people (de DRI) / (more than) Only 2 choices / No good for nothing
students club / Golden property / Dingbat / Who shou'd i do 4 u / Hippie's a sad
utopia / Nuclear security / About sexism / Tv horrors / Nothin' special / Love
ads / I wonno pork my cor / Cum to pay (de Bad brains) / Haow can u trust me /
Waaaaaardance / On ze front / No reason y (de Gorilla biscuits) / Coffee raign
/ Bubble beer / And even if / Aspirator of death, aspirin of life.