Fight 45 records
Paris (75) // site.


Obnoxious "Sickness"
EP (Fight 45 records - SPIT 1, 525 ex, vinyl de couleur) 1993
EP (Fight 45 records - SPIT 1, 1050 ex) ?
        I hate you / Punx not tramps / Love your money / Obnoxious / Yugoslavia (part 1) // Unity / Dissection / Mum & dad / Homeless / Yugoslavia (v.l.).

Obnoxious "Puke till death"
LP (Fight 45 records - S/R, 500 ex, picture-disc) 1994
        Intro / Decay / Could it be peace ? / Isolated war / Mary / Bodies of evidence / Brainwash / Abortion / My rights / Gimme some lovin / Sink / Punx don't cry / Condoms / Creers // Jack nife / Freedom / La't generation / Wink / Roundabont / U.K. diary / P.T. (poor things) / Bitch / Gover up / Unity / No way / Artificial paradise / Pavillon 36 (de Bérurier noir) / ntro.

Obnoxious "Puke till death"
LP (Fight 45 records, vinyl bleu) ?
        Intro / Decay / Could it be peace ? / Isolated war / Mary / Bodies of evidence / Brainwash / Abortion / My rights / Gimme some lovin / Sink / Punx don't cry / Condoms / Creers // Jack nife / Freedom / La't generation / Wink / Roundabont / U.K. diary / P.T. (poor things) / Bitch / Gover up / Unity / No way / Artificial paradise / Pavillon 36 (de Bérurier noir) / ntro.

Compilation LP (Fight 45 records - Spit 06, picture disc) 2000

Trikards "Trikards"
EP (Fight 45 records - , vynil rouge marbré) 2001

  • Trikards / Footboule / B.A.C.
  • Apos / Politiciens / Réfractaires