Toulouse (31) // Grind core.

: JCD (chant), Cho-Jan (guitare), Olarg (basse).

"Toulouse Punk 1997"
Compilation CD (Panx - PP 042, dans livret 32 pages) juin 1997

  • Cabal "Unaesthetic genital stump"

Cabal "S/T"
EP (Panx - PP 046) avril 1998

  • Severing teeth / Nails & the scrotum / Haemogenic bronchial furonculosis / Worm infestation of deliquescent human offal
  • Unaestethic genital stump / The scalpal / The gift (monster X cover)

"Necrosymphonic orchestration of a staphylococcic urogenital affection"
S/EP avec Mucupurulent (?) (Bizarre Leprous prod / Cho Jin records / Gefährlich konrkete pfeife - S/R, pochette ouvrable) 1998
        Necrosymphonic orchestration of a staphylococcic urogenital affection / Lymphogranulomatosis / Nasocomial nephritic colitis / Worm infestation of deliquescent human offal.