"Fair 95"
Compilation CDm (Fair - F 6, hors commerce) 1994

  • Alliance ethnik (Rap) "Playback" / Bastard "Kal" / Blonde amer "Si jamais" / Cache cache "Comme si dorien n'était" / Casbah club "Mabel is wandering" / Distant winter "Rough machine" / Drive blind "Révélation # 7" / Drôles de beaux gars "L'audience" / Edgar de l'est "L'orient" / Fabulous trobador (Ragga) "Pas de ci pas de ça" / Forguette mi note "Les violons" / Prohibition "Bring out" / Raggasonic (Ragga) "Ainsi va la vie" / Sinclair "Le casse" / La storia "Cette inquiétante étrangeté"

"Fair 96"
Compilation CDm (Fair - F 7, hors commerce) 1996

  • D.N.C (rap) "Laisser couler le temps"
  • DSB "Freedom"
  • Les elles (chanson) "Water closets"
  • Chris gonzales "Jacky"
  • Hint "Foetus anxiety"
  • Katerine "Mon bel andalou"
  • Kickback "Pull your card"
  • Mad in paris (variété) "Tout nous dépasse"
  • Marousse "Métro-polis"
  • Miossec "Non non non non (je ne suis pas saoûl)"
  • Oneyed jack "Otage"
  • Portobello bones "I'm fat, you're thin"
  • Shai no shai "Empty house"
  • Spicy box "Fuckin'faaast"
  • Thuillier brass trio (?) "Felka miotta"

"Fair 97"
Compilation CDm (Fair - F8, promo, 8000 exemplaires) 1996

  • 2 bal 2 neg (Rap) "Que faire ?"
  • Belly button "In your room"
  • Boogaerts Mathieu "Bien" / Boochon "Miss paradise" / Despondents "Wonderful land (v.d.)" / Ebrel Annie (Folk) "Ar sorserezh" / Ekova (chanson) "Venus and one" / Femmouzes T "St Sernin" / Mad pop X "Lie with me" / Mary's child "Sugar free" / Maximum kouette "Vidéo games" / Ulan bator "D-press-tv" / Useless "Urban jungle" / Vercoquin (chanson rock blues) "Je tends l'oreille" / Yachines "Les promesses"

"Fair 2000"
Compilation CDm (Fair - promo) 2000

  • Agoria / Basement / Curl / Dun / Leïa / Gingko / Ignatus / Lycanthrope / Mukta / Natyot / Néry / Puzzle / Rageous gratoons / Ramsès / Uncomon men from mars / Zenzile