CDm (Fair - F8, promo, 8000 exemplaires) 1996
- 2 bal
2 neg (Rap) "Que faire ?"
- Belly
button "In your room"
- Boogaerts
Mathieu "Bien" / Boochon "Miss paradise" / Despondents "Wonderful
land (v.d.)" / Ebrel Annie (Folk) "Ar sorserezh" / Ekova (chanson)
"Venus and one" / Femmouzes T "St Sernin" / Mad pop X "Lie with
me" / Mary's child "Sugar free" / Maximum kouette "Vidéo games"
/ Ulan bator "D-press-tv" / Useless
"Urban jungle" / Vercoquin (chanson rock blues) "Je tends l'oreille"
/ Yachines "Les promesses"