"Oi ! it's party time for real working class kids, vol. 1"
Compilation EP (One by one - OBO-009, 1000 exemplaires) 1995
Compilation EP (One by one - OBO-009, picture disc 600 exemplaires) 1996

  • Wretchedone (USA) "Killing for fame"
  • The choice (USA) "Trendy girl"
  • Dickheads "Don't care"
  • Service (USA) "Never trust the press"

"Oi ! it's party time for real working class kids, vol. 2"
Compilation EP (One by one - OBO-011, vinyl bleu 500 exemplaires, vinyl rouge, 500 exemplaires) 1996

  • Ruin bois (Espagne) "Outra mais"
  • Charge 69 "Long chemin mortel"
  • Torquemada "Le diable est avec nous"
  • Pobel et gesocks (Allemagne) "Die frau die immer will"

"Oi ! it's party time for real working class kids, vol. 3"
Compilation EP (One by one - OBO-014) 1997

  • Bovver'96 (USA) "Clockwork chameleon"
  • A.O.C. "L'apĂ©ro"
  • Suspects (USA) "Ead street punks"
  • Riot squad (USA) "Stand up & be proud"