"A tribute to Arthur Alexander"
Compilation LP (Larsen recordz - LZ063) 2001

  • Fleshtones (USA) "Keep her guessin"
  • Waistcoats (Hollande) "Anna"
  • Lolitas (USA) "Sally sue brown"
  • Rapiers (Angleterre) "You're the reason"
  • Mersey sect (Italie) "A shot of rhythm & blues"
  • Montesas (Allemagne) "Pretty girls everywhere"
  • Sirens (USA) "You better move on"
  • Slow slushy boys "The girl that radiates that charm"
  • Stanlet "Black night"
  • Kek 66 (Hollande) "Soldiers of love"
  • Neatbeats (Japon) "Where have you been"
  • Breadmakers (AUS) "You don't care"